When you have cards, but the usual card games is boring - Poker is a great alternative.
Collect the most winning combination, or force the dealer to fold his cards.
You can achieve this in different ways. In one case, cold calculation is effective, and in another, bluffing helps.
How to play
The dealer deals you and himself five cards.
After the cards are dealt, you can confirm or increase the bet, or fold the cards and refuse to play.
It is also possible to replace the cards.
The cards are compared. If it turns out that the dealer has better cards, the player loses both his bets and the mandatory ante. If the player has a stronger "hand", he receives the winnings.
Card combinations:
High card - the one with the card of the higher value wins;
Pair - two cards of the same rank;
Two pairs - formed when cards of two denominations match;
Three of a kind - a combination of three identical cards;
Straight - a combination of cards that form a sequence by ranks;
Flush - five cards of the same suit;
Full house - a combination formed by a three and a pair;
Four of a kind - four cards of the same rank;
Straight Flush - 5 cards of the same suit, with a continuous sequence;
Royal Flush - 5 cards of the same suit from jack to ace.