This is the first time Major Grom can be read in the graphic novel genre. The story is specially adapted for smartphone and tablet screens! In addition, a special collectible cover and a promo code are waiting for you inside.
Igor Grom has uncovered the truth and figured out the identity of the Plague Doctor! Turns out that it was the most popular person in Russia - a computer genius and founder of the "Vmeste" social network Sergey Razumovskiy. Chasing the bad guy goes to a next step: Plague Doctor escapes justice and Major Grom need to find him before Razumovskiy can lead a new revolution to disbalance the country even more...
Browse the pages with the mouse and keyboard, or use the touch interface. The graphic novel works perfectly on mobile screens: everything is clearly visible without zooming, and the animation nicely immerses you in the story. Don't forget to sign in to always continue where you left off.
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Drag left or right — scroll forward or backward
Drag the icon up or down — open or close the content
Pull the slider in the content — scroll through the content
Spin the mouse wheel — zoom in on the dough with text
Touchpad. Similarly, as well as additional gestures:
Swipe 2 fingers up or down — open or close the table of contents
Swipe 2 fingers left-right — flip forward and backward
Zoom with your fingers — zoom in on dough with text
Mobile device
Tap to scroll further
Swipe left or right — swipe forward or backward
Swipe up or down — open or close the table of contents