Upgrade the production of sweets, buy new enterprises, upgrade existing ones and become richer. In the beginning, you have only one company available, pump it so that it brings more and more, or collect income from it and save for a new one.
In the game, you can discover new content after rebirth, buy global improvements in the store, and there is also an achievement system - complete different tasks and get rewarded for it.
Have a nice game!
How to play
At the very beginning, a small capital is given, which is enough only for the first enterprise - a bread shop. Each enterprise brings a certain income for a certain time, enterprises can be bought indefinitely, as well as pumped. The store has improvements for specific businesses, and in the "improvements" tab you can buy global improvements at once. In achievements, you can get rewards for various tasks in the game, there is also a "rebirth" mechanic - reach the end to discover new content and receive a multiplier of income, but the game starts anew. Thanks to the income multiplier, the game will go much faster.
Have a nice game!